What is black allover?
Has 5 heads each of their own color...
And only moves when a lil' hand created by God enters in?
A Gospel Fuzzy, of course!
Sing with the children, now...
We're the Gospel Fuzzies,
We're the Gospel Fuzzies,
We're the Gospel Fuzzies
we've a sing to sing!
Gold stands for Heaven,
Gold stands for Heaven,
Gold stands for Heaven
where I want to go!
Dark means I'm a sinner,
Dark means I'm a sinner,
Dark means I'm a sinner
and I can't get in!
Red means Jesus died,
Red means Jesus died,
Red means Jesus died
and He rose again!
Clean means I'm forgiven,
Clean means I'm forgiven,
Clean means I'm forgiven
when I follow Him!
Green means I'm Growing,
Green means I'm Growing,
Green means I'm Growing
when I trust in Him!