Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Celebration

Schedule time t0 celebrate
with your church

8am Traditional Hymn Service

9:15am Praise & Worship Service

10:30 Resurrection Egg Hunt

11:00am Praise & Worship

He is risen!
He is risen, indeed!

Monday, April 11, 2011

No Name

Furniture arranged.
Sidewalk poured and dried.

And, still...


Our new building
has been receiving love,
and has a few finishing touches before
our ribbon-cutting on May 15, 2011...
but won't you help us name our new blessing?

Drop your suggestion in the box THIS Sunday!
See you at 9:15 or 11:00 service!

Our Inheritance

Increasing with each month,
our inheritance is
growing with the addition
of newborn babes
in the family of God!

The Quilt Ministry is on target to have
4 quilts done and gifted to four families
with wee miracles by the end
of the month!


We pray that a faith would grow in the heart of each child
who is wrapped in one of these quilts that by their faith,
they would gain what has been promised them by our God.