Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quilting Ministry Gifting

Having a baby?
Part of our local family of God?
This could be YOU!

Meet the first in a long line of treasures that
God will bless to our church family...

Baby Aniya Rose and her quilt gifting.

To celebrate this heritage from the Lord!
May the quilting continue!
May His children be blessed.

Look, but Don't Judge

The new building, we mean!
It's a work in progress.

The four walls are here,
and that's enough answer to prayer
to jump about!

If you are handy with a hammer,
or magnificent with mud,
ackowledge your calling and prepare to give your time
and efforts for the new building remodeling.
We would LOVE to work alongside you
for the furthering of the kingdom of Heaven, here on earth!