Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Basket Assembly

AKA: Cooking Tasting Party

The NCC ladies have a tradition of making holiday baskets
for seniors in our church family.
Please bring fruit, individual snacks, quick breads, sugar free items, etc.
to stuff the baskets with offerings of love and goodies!


Also, this year, we will be sharing our favorite Christmas cookies with recipes.
So get to baking and come hungry!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

First Saturday Prayer

December 5th

Here's the simple guide for your prayer time on Saturday
that we'll be joining with other congregations in lifting up:

Remember that we are encouraged to pray for everyone
and especially those in authority over us. (I Timothy 2: 1-8)


1. Their salvation
2. Their knowledge of God's truth
3. God's mercy upon them
4. Give thanks for all that God is doing

Thursday, November 19, 2009


You've got it.
It may be hidden.
It may be part of your everyday living.
But you have it.

And you can thank your creator for it!


Find more proof from the brain of
Yulia Brodskaya.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Brush your teeth,
wear your clean shirt,
and say CHEESE!


You may be one of the many families finding themselves targets
of the camera lens at NCC this month!

We would love to add you to our bulletin board of family.
So glad to call you Brother in the Family of God.